Knygos anglų kalba

Kaina: 4,50 €

n most thrillers, "hardware" consists of big guns, airplanes, military vehicles, and weapons that make things explode. Dan Brown has written a thriller for those of us who like our hardware with disc drives and who rate our heroes by big brainpower rather than big firepower. It's an Internet user's spy novel where the good guys and bad guys struggle over secrets somewhat more intellectual than just where the secret formula is hidden--they have to gain understanding of what the secret formula actually is.

In this case, the secret formula is a new means of encryption, capable of changing the balance of international power. Part of the fun is that the book takes the reader along into an understanding of encryption technologies. You'll find yourself better understanding the political battles over such real-life technologies as the Clipper Chip and PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) software even though the book looks at the issues through the eyes of fiction.

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Juk pasijusti įžeistam kartais gali būti ir malonu, ar ne tiesa? Ir juk žino žmogus, kad niekas jo neįžeidė, kad jis pats įžeidimą sugalvojo ir primelavo dėl gražumo, pats perdėjo, kad dailingiau atrodytų, prie žodžio prikibo ir iš adatos vežimą priskaldė, - pats žino tai ir vis dėlto pirmas įsižeidžia, taip įsižeidžia, jog net malonumą, didelį pasitenkinimą jaučia, o šitaip ir neapykantą išsiugdo...

F.Dostojevskis "Broliai Karamazovai"

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