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Time and space. Genetics and robotics. Education and fashion. Possibilities limited only by our imaginations. The future is yours to create. Could you be the Leonardo da Vinci of our times?

Most ideas are incremental, quickly copied and suffocated by conventions. "Future back" thinking starts with stretching possibilities then makes them a reality "now forward". The best ideas emerge by seeing what everyone has seen, and thinking like nobody else. Newness occurs in the margins not the mainstream. Solutions emerge through powerful fusions of the best ideas into practical, useful concepts. Creative people rise up. Visionaries, border crossers and game changers. Engage your right brain, open your eyes, think more holistically... intuition rules.

From Apple to Blackberry, GE to Google, innovative companies stand out from the crowd not so much for their exceptional products, despite what one might assume, but for the way they challenge conventions, redefine markets, and change consumer expectations. Apple didn't just create the iPod; it envisioned the future of music and then made a product to service that future. And the same holds true for every highly innovative company. In Creative Genius, Peter Fisk presents ten tracks for innovation and provides business blueprints for making that innovation happen.

Creative Genius is inspired by the imagination and perspective of Leonardo da Vinci, in order to drive creativity, design and innovation in more radical and powerful ways. It includes practical tools ranging from scenario planning and context reframing to accelerated innovation and market entry, plus 50 tracks, 25 tools, and 50 inspiring case studies.

Creative Genius is "the best and last" in the Genius series by bestselling author Peter Fisk.

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M.Albom "Antradieniai su Moriu"

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Amžinybės glėbyje. Antroji ciklo ,,Echo labirintai'' knyga

Labai patiko

Deja, bet knygynuose "Echo labirintų" ... "Tai lyg Haris Poteris suaugusiems.".

2013 balandžio 3

Meistras ir Margarita

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Ana ir prancūziškas bučinys


Gera knyga paaugliams. Paryžius, gražū...i nieko "savo skonio" jau nebeturėjau.

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Labai patiko

2013 gruodžio 2



Man nelabai patiko, nes kai kurios knygos dalys buvo per daug užtęstos.

2014 spalio 31